Day 128: Fun fact; you would now need 8 bits of binary code to represent the number of days that have been created. 128: 1000 0000 Continuously, with the except...
Day 127: It's a New Year, with the same old problems? Everything is changing, but everything is staying the same? We will never live this moment again, but will...
Day 126: A soft piece of music gently flows, relaxing the body and warming the bones. Face feeling heavy with a hand on the cheek, this violin has made me start...
Day 125: People can change very quickly, and very slowly. Not just in terms of changing their minds and opinions, but changes to their personality, and how they...
Day 124: Unbelievable architecture, Inside and out. Spiralled staircases to high terraces, Although the lift seems nicer. A hotel room with a curved wall, Encas...
Day 123: One, two, three. What a fun progression of numbers. So, it makes sense to briefly talk about some recent progress. For Christmas, I have obtained a cop...
Day 121: A lot of people work on Christmas day, a lot of people. I never really thought about it before, but think for a moment about all of the professions tha...