Day 54

Day 54:

Today is a very special day, my boyfriend's milestone birthday.

The units of measurement for milestone birthdays are slightly strange in my view. Every birthday before the age of about 10 is treated as a big deal, then the really big ones are 13, 16, 18, 21, 25, 30, and then counting up in increments of 5 (at least, this is the norm in my family). Birthdays ending in a zero carry more weight and are celebrated by the whole family, while 'normal' birthdays pass with a card and not much else of note. 

I fail to understand why 21 is a big birthday, while 20 (a person's second birthday ending in a zero) is not. I understand that you probably don't want to have two big birthdays one after the other, but why pick 21 over 20? 21 is considered to the age at which people are recognised as full adults in the vast majority of places, but why? Is this some arbitrary choice someone made centuries ago that we have since embedded into our culture? Come to think of it, everything in the early years seems fairly arbitrary. Who decided that 16 would be big? Or 13? Hmm, maybe there is a logical explanation, maybe it's just because I'm in somewhat of a rush, I have not considered it properly.

Regardless, I must dash. Something longer tomorrow.

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