Day 83

Day 83:

You ponder and search and swim,

through the vast pool of your consciousness.

You look above and below the surface,

plunging underneath to find something.

You can spend seconds, minutes, even hours,

scanning for something to bring back with you.

There seems to be nothing there, no ripples,

just a pool of dreary grey.

It's defeating, frustrating, even,


You can exert so much effort searching,

only to think you've found nothing.

But then, a beautiful and brilliant light shines,

filling the whole chamber with it's all-consuming brightness.

An idea. Your idea.

You can see it, and it feels so powerful.

You need to get to it, and grasp it tightly.

Plunging down into the depths,

you swim hard towards the source of the light.

You can't be distracted, it would wither and fade.

You kick and thrash and push towards it,

but it seems to grow dimmer, and move further and further away.

The exhaustion rises,

it was so clear, but now the beautiful details are fuzzy.

They are splashed and rinsed off by ripples in the pool,

disappearing into the grey depths, unrecoverable.

The harder you try to reach it again, the more it fades,

maybe you weren't quick enough?

You climb out, defeated and hurt,

else you would've drowned in thoughts and dreams of what could've been.

I once spotted a man with a fishing rod,

sitting and smiling as he watched the water.

It was as calm as could be, not a ripple to speak of.

So clear was the water, that when the slightest bobbing of the rod was felt,

the man sprang straight into action.

He reeled the line back into shore,

focused, yet effortless in the movement of his wrist alone.

Out from the water came the tiniest fish,

with shiny fins and sparkling eyes.

Before it ever struggled for air, 

the man placed the fish gently into a bucket of water and smiled.

"You'll grow up to be beautiful and strong," he said,

"And all of us will delight when we bear witness to you,

all in good time".

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