Day 91

Day 91:

Hello! I’m your neighbour’s dog! I’m just going to chill out here, in your back garden, for a little while. If that’s ok with you, of course. As you can see, I am quite the big doggy, so I’m going to need to use this patch of lawn for my walk.

You can come out and tell me to leave, if you want. It’s not like I could do anything about it. After all, I’m only half as tall as you are! Although I am longer, and probably heavier. AND, I’m fluffier, which is, of course, the best trait in the animal kingdom. Yep, I’m one fluffy boi. I can house literal habitats within my fluffiness. It also makes me very soft, and I’m not as big and scary as I actually look. I’m actually considered very cute by a lot of people, you know. I bet you find me cute too, and I’ll look even more endearing when I urinate on this freshly-trimmed hedge.

Some humans would come out and stop me of course, but I’m glad you aren’t. It’s probably because I’m SOO big and fluffy, you are a nice human. Anyway, I must dash next door at an alarming speed, ta ta darling!

(Note: Day 90 is currently being reviewed by moderators. Should be up soon, but I did write).

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