Day 100
Day 100:
It is by complete coincidence that today, the 100th and last day, is also my 20th birthday.
Considering the themes that I often went back to in many of these stories, it is especially ironic that it should culminate in me literally maturing and growing older (although apparently it's not a big birthday even though it ends in a zero). Whether I have grown up or not is a different debate. Writing every day may well have bought out more of my creative side. both at and away from the desk, which means I have been coming up with some even crazier ideas than usual. Sadly, these have not been implemented to the extent that this one has. It does lead me to worry that, after today, I may simply move away from the editing and marketing and actual 'publishing a book' side of it, which would defeat the entire point. Now I don't have a clear countdown to when the work will end, or when it will be finished, a clear 'Day 100', the carrot of motivation I was following may fall away. "Now what do I do?" If you are reading this, then that didn't happen, which is great!
It would be premature to try and say whether or not this book has achieved its objectives, and even with the notes of this day likely being more comprehensive, it is not for me alone to judge it's success. It's very much reliant upon you, the reader. If, at any point over the course of reading this book (or even in skipping straight to the end to see what would happen :), you have felt inspired to pursue your own creative exploits, laughed, smiled, felt immersed in any of the stories, disagreed with me furiously on something, or formed your own new eggs because of it, then this book has achieved it's objective.
Thank you so much for coming on this journey, and I can't wait to take the first steps on the journeys that you create.
*This project will continue to be updated with new stories as I work on the editing, formatting and publication of this into a real book, but Days 1 to 100 are the ones that will be published (I need to keep reinforcing that to myself :)
A Page a Day
A Habitual Writing Experiment
Status | Prototype |
Category | Book |
Author | MJL |
Genre | Interactive Fiction |
Tags | a-page-a-day, creative-writing, Experimental, habits, Incremental, LGBT, writing |
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